This week I completed and had reviewed the first draft of my CV. Initially I used a blue bar at the top of the page, but changed it to black to create a more professional and minimalist appearance, not only to make myself appear more formal, but also to draw more attention to the text and information rather than the document’s style.
From the CV review session, some of the most significant elements I will improve, in my opinion, are consistency issues, such as in the text size and spacing, and the ordering of information, as some of the more important pieces of info come later than lesser ones, for example education comes after work experience. I will also further the minimalist design of the document, as I believe it leans into the style, but is not fully there in terms of fully capturing the essence of the formal atmosphere it aims to create.
One of the trends in the article for Wix by Jenna Romano was data visualisation. An example it used to show the rising popularity in visual representation of data was Spotify’s yearly ‘wrapped” infographics. I have noticed various other platforms and brands making use of this trend, for example Nintendo and Youtube. In my view, this indicates the user’s desire to know more about themselves (and share it to others by social media) through the products they use, which is an intriguing opportunity for the design industry to capitalise on in the field of visual representation.
The second trend which interested me was VR experiences, I believe that in the near future this will become a much larger part of the industry, especially now that Apple are beginning to integrate VR into their lineup of products. Users desire to feel immersed in their digital experiences, and as of now, VR is in my opinion the most effective way to achieve this, and will doubtless become even more effective as its technology becomes more advanced.
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