I created the latest iteration of my CV, based on feedback from this week’s tutorial. Mainly we found that the previous version needed more consistency and its heading typeface felt slightly too straightforward and like a body typeface, and perhaps does not effectively convey the formal and professional atmosphere I intend to convey through the document. Another significant adjustment I need to make from the tutorial is to change the hierarchy of information, so that the employer can find the most important sections near the start of the document. I feel that the new design shows a major improvement from the previous version, as it is much more simple to navigate for the employer due to its more clearly defined block layout, which separates each piece of information by a line, additionally adding to the minimalism of the design aesthetic, also to solve the same problem, I moved the more important sections to earlier in the document. The header typeface GT Ultra Median also has a far more bespoke feel than the previous typeface, Alegreya, which may be more suited for a body text, while the more bespoke appearance makes the document appear much more professional when used for the headings. I also removed some unnecessary information, which again makes the document more accessible and navigable.