AV Critique

This week I got feedback on my AV dashboard project. The main feedback was that some of the screens feel too cluttered, such as the home screen and entertainment option screens. To solve this I will reduce the size of the navigation bar slightly, though I will keep it still quite large in comparison to, for example, the navigation bar of a smartphone or iPad app, so that users can still easily select which option they want to press while in a moving vehicle. I will also reduce the size of some buttons, icons and content, such as video viewing cards, instead including a full screen option, like in video viewing apps like YouTube or Vimeo. These changes will allow me to increase the spacing between elements and the product will be easier for users to navigate and at the same time be more pleasing to look at. Some areas which received positive feedback were the icons, and specifically their consistency, which pleased me, as they were an element I spent a significant amount of time perfecting, and the clear layout and navigability of my settings screen. The limited amount of options on this screen allow the selectable areas top be both large and well spaced, which will be easy for the user to select, even in a moving vehicle.

Some of the other students included a logo and wordmark in their projects, and ahead of the submission date, I will also work on these in order to enhance the project’s brand identity and add a feel of believability.

SDG Research

This week I also researched the SDGs in a general sense, before I choose which SDG to focus on in depth next week. I began by choosing some SDGs which specifically interested me, and boiled them down into their main objectives.

SDG 4 - Quality Education

SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities