SDG 16- Peace, justice and strong institutions
This includes the reduction of violence and murder, ending violence and abuse against children, reduction of corruption in government, dealing with organised crime, setting up functional and responsible institutions, improving the ability for geopolitical participation of developing nations, and providing public access to information.
For initial research of the SDG project, I researched the mobile app Paladin. It allows users to learn about history by scrolling through information cards, in short lessons from 5-10 minutes. At the end of each lesson the user is given a quick recap followed by a short interactive test, gamifying the learning process, which creates a higher level of user engagement and strengthening memory of the information read. Activities include card sorting, swiping left or right on a statement if it it true or false and multiple choice questions. The tone of voice is in the form of a story, with illustrations and voice over alongside, further enhancing the user’s engagement. With each lesson, the user earns a digital card with a character in the story, incentivising them to keep learning through a reward scheme. There are also pop up buttons which allow additional information to be displayed if the user is interested in the topic.
Testing this app myself, I found it to be extremely engaging, even for my demographic of a young adult, but the light hearted tone of voice and hand drawn illustrations would not be remiss in a platform for young children. The process of learning is also suitable for all ages, but may be especially effective for young children who do not have the attention span of a developed adult.